[Tutorial] Half TUT Save gTeam With dini

I've seen some useless tutorials but I think this tops it. If you've already made a register system or already have one. Adding a new variable (which is all you did) isn't difficult in the slightest and shouldn't be a tutorial.

Messages In This Thread
REMOVED - by UserName31 - 07.07.2014, 20:13
Re: Half TUT Save gTeam With dini - by ]Rafaellos[ - 07.07.2014, 20:28
Re: Half TUT Save gTeam With dini - by Emmet_ - 07.07.2014, 20:30
Re: Half TUT Save gTeam With dini - by ikkentim - 07.07.2014, 20:34
Re: Half TUT Save gTeam With dini - by NewerthRoleplay - 07.07.2014, 20:38

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