07.07.2014, 09:04
Hey, Mauzen! Do you know how I could make the vehicles a bit less jiggery when following node paths? I wrote a script which makes an NPC recording from the NPC's current pos to a pos in LV (using GamerZ's Plugin) and it works really well, however, I have problems with the car movement. It is not as smooth as I would like it to be and I often find the car stuck in the ground when I am going from node to node. I would suppose this is due to the altitude differences and because a smooth interpolation does not exist yet.
How could I possibly make the experience a bit smoother? |
Beside from that I dont really know any better solution so far.
Give us this way "RNPC_SetKeys_RT(4, npcid, EDIT_MODE_OR);" but don't keep that _RT extension, lol.
But Ill think about that again, maybe Ill find a good solution.