ID System

Im making a new server which involves ID,
I have never in my life made an id system,
I cant find any tutorials and im wondering how i do it?
Does anyone have an example code like,
A setname command or setnamecolor command,
Just anything with a basic id system, as i cant find one nywhere

Messages In This Thread
ID System - by JoeDaDude - 10.06.2009, 21:50
Re: ID System - by JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009, 14:00
Re: ID System - by yom - 11.06.2009, 14:03
Re: ID System - by JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009, 14:07
Re: ID System - by wijnkamp - 12.06.2009, 13:03
Re: ID System - by JoeDaDude - 12.06.2009, 13:06

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