Class Selection music ?

Then under OnPlayerSpawn add either StopAudioStreamForPlayer, or if you used the other function use PlayerPlaySound, and add 1 to the sound id (if you was using i.e id 1009 for the music, use 1010 to stop the music).

Messages In This Thread
Class Selection music ? - by YanLanger - 01.07.2014, 05:31
Re: Class Selection music ? - by Jstylezzz - 01.07.2014, 05:35
Re: Class Selection music ? - by YanLanger - 01.07.2014, 05:37
Re: Class Selection music ? - by Jstylezzz - 01.07.2014, 05:44
Re: Class Selection music ? - by YanLanger - 01.07.2014, 05:45

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