Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers

Thanks Emmet_ I never knew that.

So brainstorming, and after ranting at Skyrise in Skype about how hackers and trolls with no lives like to ruin fun for others, I figured out a solution.
FIRST: Thanks Skyrise for letting me rant!
I'm going to share it here for everyone in the future who is smart enough to use the Search Function.

pawn Код:
forward ConnectBots(ID);
public ConnectBots (ID)
        case  1 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Robert","npcidle");
        case  2 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Peter","npcidle1");
        case  3 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Harry","npcidle2");
        case  4 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Kayla","npcidle3");
        case  5 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Aaron","npcidle4");
        case  6 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Joshua","npcidle5");
        case  7 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Trevor","train_lv");
        case  8 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Gary","train_ls");
        case  9 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Paul","train_sf");
        case  10 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]JetStar","at400_sf");
        case  11 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Virgin","at400_ls");
        case  12 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]TramDriver","tram");
        case  13 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Rick","npcidle6");//SF
        case  14 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Charlie","npcidle7");//LV
        case  15 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Tom","npcidle8");//LS
        case  16 : ConnectNPC("[Bot]Buddy","npcidle9");
        case  17 :  return  1 ;
    SetTimerEx("ConnectBots", 5000, 0, "i", ID+1);
    return 1;
and in your OnPlayerConnect, you're going to want to put: ConnectBots(1);
It will start with 1, and when it reaches 17, it will stop.

Messages In This Thread
Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers - by DJ_Shocker - 27.06.2014, 22:59
Re: Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers - by xo - 27.06.2014, 23:09
Re: Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers - by DJ_Shocker - 27.06.2014, 23:29
Re: Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers - by Emmet_ - 27.06.2014, 23:40
Re: Server Crash: NPC Delayed Timers - by DJ_Shocker - 28.06.2014, 00:38

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