27.06.2014, 16:43
Russian - Хм... Очень даже странно! Кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь видел стоянку на территории церкви? Лично я - нет! Неподалёку - да, а на территории - нет! Возле церкви растут: трава, цветы, кусты, деревья, а не машины стоят.
English - Hmm ... A very strange! Anybody ever seen a parking lot at the church? Personally, I - no! Close - yes, but in the territory - no! Near the church grow: grass, flowers, shrubs, trees, and cars are not.
English - Hmm ... A very strange! Anybody ever seen a parking lot at the church? Personally, I - no! Close - yes, but in the territory - no! Near the church grow: grass, flowers, shrubs, trees, and cars are not.