Just a little Nervous and need some Advice!

What bothers me right now, is the grammar indeed. You say you talk like sh*t because you're on your mobile, but even then, how hard is it to have correct grammar?


What i mean by Shortcuts is , When on mobile I normally don't speak correctly, just to the point you know! and the only reason why I respond to Blast3r in that manner. Only because I'm just asking for some little advice. and Of course I get Criticize. "EDIT: You also said "Medium - heavy RP". How can you run a Medium - Heavy RP server with that grammar, like, seriously? " Like come on. What happen to just be nice and help another gamer out! maybe i took the Statement the wrong way! and if I did I'm sorry!

What I mean(t) by shortcuts is, when I'm on my mobile I normally don't speak correctly, . And the only reason why I responded/replied to Blast3r in that manner, - is because I'm just asking for some little advice. And of course I get criticized.

Even if you're on your mobile, there are way too many grammar fails. Are you very sure it's just your mobile? I don't think so, because this really is an overload with grammar. I sometimes make typo's, but never that worse and I don't know a single person who's got it that worse either. I can not take you seriously this way. Just saying.

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