Just a little Nervous and need some Advice!

Originally Posted by Mado
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He said grammar. Not shortcuts.

Besides the scripting part and getting players, grammar actually is an issue. If you cannot express yourself properly or communicate with your players and staff team it's not too hard to imagine communication difficulties.

Not to forget that serious RP players will probably not be impressed if the owner of the server writes in such an awful way.

Oh and you need do's and don'ts? Blast3r gives you some tips, including to fix your grammar, and instead of being thankful for him spending his time helping you out you are telling him you're not looking for his ideas? If that's the way you're dealing with people you should not open a server. Running a server is more than getting a script and opening the server, it's also about dealing with people. A lot of different people, in fact.
What i mean by Shortcuts is , When on mobile I normally don't speak correctly, just to the point you know! and the only reason why I respond to Blast3r in that manner. Only because I'm just asking for some little advice. and Of course I get Criticize. "EDIT: You also said "Medium - heavy RP". How can you run a Medium - Heavy RP server with that grammar, like, seriously? " Like come on. What happen to just be nice and help another gamer out! maybe i took the Statement the wrong way! and if I did I'm sorry!

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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Random capitalisation makes me shiver a little bit. I mean, it is completely random, capitalising letters which don't need to be, and not capitalising those which actually need to be. You may think I'm, or we're, being the grammar police but it really does make a difference when you're an owner. Also, when I see bad grammar in the script I'm out of there - fast (typos and small mistakes don't bother me obviously).

By the way, this post was totally on topic, this is how you could improve.
Thank you for your advise. and everyone else! I will pay more Attention to my wording!

Originally Posted by FlawPaw
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Sunfire Roleplay?

Even your server name gives me an impression that it's shit, lol.
Sunfire Roleplaying is the server that I play in and Admin in!! But I'm starting my own RP server based in the Counties areas. Only because I want to try something new!.. I haven't Advertise my server yet. It's getting closer! and hope to impress everyone or most of the people!

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