Samp Scripts ******* Channel

Here's a few pointers:

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to want to watch you type. 90% of the video is spent on waiting for you to finish a sentence.
The quality of your video is way too bad, I can hardly read what you're typing.
There's no sound. At all. It's completely quiet... (Now I don't say that adding some random soundtrack over it is the solution...)

I checked your first video, and although I don't know any Turkish, it was pretty bad. It took you over 8 minutes to explain how to download the server files and what everything is (sortof?), while it would take me 1-2 minutes to read it from a wiki-page. Why are you going to make a ******* serie when you're better off writing tutorials?

Messages In This Thread
Samp Scripts ******* Channel - by Symbiosis - 22.06.2014, 13:24
Re: Samp Scripts ******* Channel - by Infinity - 22.06.2014, 14:07
Re: Samp Scripts ******* Channel - by Symbiosis - 22.06.2014, 14:50
Re: Samp Scripts ******* Channel - by victorcast - 26.06.2014, 22:15

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