16.06.2014, 15:38
CreateWater(Float: x,Float: y, Float: z, Float: height);
DestroyWater(waterid); CreatePayerWater(playerid,Float: x,Float: y, Float: z, Float: height); DestroyPlayerWater(playerid,waterid); SetWaveHeight(Float: height); public OnPositionChange(playerid, Float: newx, Float: newy, Float: newz, Float: oldx, Float: oldy, Float: oldz); TogglePlaneGliding(vehicleid, bool: true); GetPlaneGearState(vehicleid, state); CreateGangzoneForPlayer(playerid, Float,Float: y,Float: z); DestroyPlayerGangzone(playerid, zoneid); public OnPlayerGamble(playerid, amount, type) AttachVehicleToObject(vehicleid, objectid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z); CreateFire(Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: radius); CreatePlayerFire(playerid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: radius); DestroyFire(fireid); DestroyPlayerFire(fireid); CreateSmoke(Float, Float:y, Float: z, Float: radius); CreatePlayerSmoke(playerid,Float, Float:y, Float: z, Float: radius); DestroySmoke(smokeid); DestroyPlayerSmoke(smokeid); |
"public OnPlayerGamble"
- What is this? This won't be added... Just make your OWN gamble system. SA-MP will never have this, sorry. Also, why would you attach a VEHICLE TO AN OBJECT? That doesn't even make sense. Also, you can make CreateFire yourself with particle effects, same goes for smoke. Also, position changes can already be detected.