Private pickups?

Hi guys.
I'm really disappointed. I want to create a pickup for MicroSMG near Grove Street. You pick it up and you won't see it again until your next death. I want the MicroSMG to respawn only for the player who died, not for all.
Example(I want the following effects):
A guy n me. We go to the Grove place. I pick up the pickup. The guy does so, too. I die. But not the guy. The pickup should not respawn for him when I spawn. So the pickup is visible for me, not for the guy. He's dead. Now he can see it again.

Messages In This Thread
Private pickups? - by TheUllas - 07.06.2009, 14:14
Re: Private pickups? - by KeyWay - 07.06.2009, 15:21
Re: Private pickups? - by TheUllas - 10.06.2009, 13:57
Re: Private pickups? - by AiVAMAN - 10.06.2009, 17:05
Re: Private pickups? - by AiVAMAN - 10.06.2009, 17:06
Re: Private pickups? - by TheUllas - 11.06.2009, 04:53
Re: Private pickups? - by AiVAMAN - 11.06.2009, 09:20
Re: Private pickups? - by TheUllas - 11.06.2009, 19:57

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