Recording a NPC.

I did a record for npc & connect him to the server, everything ok.
Some areas in the record i did a rest area for 30 seconds and keep driving.
When the bot arrived to the rest area, between 20-30 seconds, he getout from the server.
Someone can help me? maybe in the record when i recorded and doesnt move for 20-30 seconds the record "stop" from some reason?

Messages In This Thread
Recording a NPC. - by AfikAtashga - 14.06.2014, 17:35
Re: Recording a NPC. - by AfikAtashga - 17.06.2014, 08:57
Re: Recording a NPC. - by iFarbod - 17.06.2014, 09:03
Re: Recording a NPC. - by AfikAtashga - 17.06.2014, 19:03
Re: Recording a NPC. - by iThePunisher - 17.06.2014, 20:08

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