Aduty with colors

Hello, I have asked alot of people about this but I am trying to do aduty colors..

ex. A admin is now (the color green for On-duty) [ON-DUTY] OFF-DUTY
ex. A admin is now (the color red for Off-duty) ON-DUTY [OFF-DUTY]

Messages In This Thread
Aduty with colors - by ShiffeyTheGamer - 13.06.2014, 19:05
Re: Aduty with colors - by alanhutch - 13.06.2014, 19:08
Re: Aduty with colors - by ShiffeyTheGamer - 13.06.2014, 19:09
Re: Aduty with colors - by Matnix - 13.06.2014, 19:11
Re: Aduty with colors - by alanhutch - 13.06.2014, 19:12
Re: Aduty with colors - by ShiffeyTheGamer - 13.06.2014, 19:27

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