How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster?

You should use SetVehicleVelocity.
See for more information and how to use it.

Messages In This Thread
How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster? - by dimitri8 - 12.06.2014, 10:37
Re: How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster? - by Cutt3r - 12.06.2014, 10:46
Re: How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster? - by iZN - 12.06.2014, 10:56
Re: How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster? - by dimitri8 - 12.06.2014, 16:52
Re : How can I make that LSPD cruiser will be faster? - by mirou123 - 12.06.2014, 16:57

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