RP Factions - ideas?

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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Slightly condescending but I'll respond anyway: Yes, but who is to say what is a faction and what is a job?

Also, with my above post, I meant 'script it' and not 'script is', if that makes any difference to you.
Let's see: the members of the faction will be able to mine. Anything else? Think of the PD faction. You have things to do as a policeman. I'm looking for something to give players something to do, so they won't get bored.

Messages In This Thread
RP Factions - ideas? - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 07.06.2014, 19:40
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by PrivatioBoni - 07.06.2014, 19:49
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 07.06.2014, 19:51
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by PrivatioBoni - 07.06.2014, 20:02
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 07.06.2014, 20:21
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by PrivatioBoni - 07.06.2014, 20:26
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 07.06.2014, 20:32
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by PrivatioBoni - 07.06.2014, 20:37
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 07.06.2014, 20:53
Re: RP Factions - ideas? - by justsomeguy - 08.06.2014, 17:16

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