How to make a ERROR Message?

Dunno why everyone's code is so messy. This is the cleanest I can do:

pawn Код:
   new playerState = GetPlayerState(playerid);  
   if (playerState != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: You must be on foot to use this command.");
      return 1;

   return 1;

Messages In This Thread
How to make a ERROR Message? - by [Cali]ChrOnic_T - 05.06.2014, 11:50
Re: How to make a ERROR Message? - by TheSimpleGuy - 05.06.2014, 11:52
Re: How to make a ERROR Message? - by PrivatioBoni - 05.06.2014, 11:55
Re: How to make a ERROR Message? - by AIped - 05.06.2014, 11:58
Re: How to make a ERROR Message? - by Rittik - 05.06.2014, 12:00
Re: How to make a ERROR Message? - by PrivatioBoni - 05.06.2014, 12:09

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