How can i make this ?

Use a textdraw editor: (use per-player textdraws if it differs for each player)

- You need to get the vehicle's speed (search on ****** how to get the speed).
- You need to get the name of the vehicle (search on ****** how to get the name).
- You need to get the vehicle's health (GetVehicleHealth function).
- You need to get the location (search for the zone include).

After you get all these and a player enters a vehicle, you'll have update the textdraw's text and show the textdraw to the player. When the player exits the vehicle, hide the textdraw.

Messages In This Thread
How can i make this ? - by Johnson_Brooks - 05.06.2014, 09:55
Re: How can i make this ? - by SupaFool - 05.06.2014, 09:59
Re: How can i make this ? - by Johnson_Brooks - 05.06.2014, 10:03
Re: How can i make this ? - by Konstantinos - 05.06.2014, 10:13
Re: How can i make this ? - by Johnson_Brooks - 05.06.2014, 10:20

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