05.06.2014, 05:37
Hey, can you make dynamic capture zones please ?
As if like we add one line with coordinates of capture point and gangzone coordinates of capture zone and we get new capture zone, and not like in COD6 where we had to copy and edit massive code of capture zones at various places within the script. And pllllleeeeeeeaaaassssssseeeeeeee keep COD7 with checkpoint type capture zones I like them veerrrrrrryyyyyy much but make them dynamic pllleeeaassseeeeee. I like your works, you are th best but plllleeeeaaassseeee dont change to turf wars plllleeeeaaaassseee make dynamic capture zonesss. |
Don't be sad or angry, moreover you and other people can suggest for the game script except the team and turfwar part.
Regards, Excel.