Laptop/Desktop Buying?

Originally Posted by HarryKirkby
Originally Posted by Mikkel
Originally Posted by HarryKirkby
Hey guys,

Well, im fedup with my fucking family computer And i want a new laptop/desktop. So, do any of you know a great computer, for a good price for sale anywhere, shops or anything?

Comments please...
Buy parts, create a custom, works better than all those pre-made ones.
I started with a Compaq Presiaro 061, shittest computer ever.

Its Windows XP SP2, upgraded to 3. I bought it an extra 2GB RAM, and a 9400GT Graphics Card, so?

Originally Posted by Ash0153
How powerful does it need to be?
For running graphical and processor hungry games or browsing?
Also, what is your ideal price?
I was hoping something with around 4GB RAM and a 1024MB Graphics card.
If you're going for the Desktop, i suggest you looking at ATI's graphic card: HD4870 i believe it's called, it's supposed to be running Crysis on an Average of 30-40 FPS. (on max'd graphics).


[img width=966 height=768][/img]

Messages In This Thread
Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by Kirkmaster10 - 05.06.2009, 18:06
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by shitbird - 05.06.2009, 18:07
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by RobertGraham - 05.06.2009, 18:08
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by [TouchX]Ash - 05.06.2009, 18:08
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by Kirkmaster10 - 05.06.2009, 18:13
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by shitbird - 05.06.2009, 18:19
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by RobertGraham - 05.06.2009, 18:20
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by boylett - 05.06.2009, 18:21
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by [TouchX]Ash - 05.06.2009, 18:23
Re: Laptop/Desktop Buying? - by Luka P. - 05.06.2009, 18:32

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