[Map] Apartment complex int (with door cmds)

It's very nice!

You should try to make the mapping completely dynamic, that meaning that all hotel rooms are accessible with commands and in the same mapping.

Messages In This Thread
Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by thaKing - 03.06.2014, 17:25
Re: Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by thaKing - 04.06.2014, 05:46
Re: Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by Dignity - 04.06.2014, 06:06
Re: Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by nlrpvic - 04.06.2014, 08:46
Re: Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by Nightangle - 04.06.2014, 09:09
Re: Apartment complex int (with door cmds) - by thaKing - 04.06.2014, 11:30

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