Luxadmin closed while excuting?

Instead setting it while in game just edit it in scriptfiles<user<yourname open it and edit your current admin to any level u want.

Messages In This Thread
Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Spartaaaaa - 01.06.2014, 13:48
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Team_PRO - 01.06.2014, 14:24
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Spartaaaaa - 01.06.2014, 14:40
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by IstuntmanI - 01.06.2014, 15:49
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Konstantinos - 01.06.2014, 16:01
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Younes44 - 01.06.2014, 16:05
Re: Luxadmin closed while excuting? - by Spartaaaaa - 02.06.2014, 12:21

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