[FilterScript] Hospital system

i have paste it, but ..

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    Died[playerid] = true;
    return 1;

forward BlockHealMe(playerid);
public BlockHealMe(playerid) return QuickCure[playerid] = true, 1;

forward Recovered();
public Recovered()
    for(new p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
            new Float:life;
            GetPlayerHealth(p, life);
            ApplyAnimation(p, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                case 1 .. 59:
                    SetPlayerHealth(p, life+1);
                case 60:
                    Died[p] = false;
                    SendClientMessage(p, 0xA9C4E4AA, "");
                    SendClientMessage(p, 0xA9C4E4AA, "{DD2222}Doctor{FFFFFF} says: You are restore. Be careful.");
                    SetPlayerPos(p, 1175.0963, -1318.3589, 9280.5693);
                    SetPlayerFacingAngle(p, 177.8791);
                    SetPlayerInterior(p, 1);
                    HospitalTime[p] = 0;
    return 1;
error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"

Can someone help me?

Messages In This Thread
Hospital system - by Rodney Francalim - 05.11.2012, 16:09
Re: Hospital system - by TreePuncher - 05.11.2012, 16:30
Re: Hospital system - by Rodney Francalim - 05.11.2012, 16:32
Re: Hospital system - by Plovix - 10.11.2012, 08:35
Re: Hospital system - by Astralis - 10.11.2012, 08:37
AW: Hospital system - by Andreaas - 31.05.2014, 11:59
Re: Hospital system - by Team_PRO - 31.05.2014, 12:03
Re: Hospital system - by iRaiDeN - 31.05.2014, 12:23
Re: Hospital system - by Devil123 - 31.05.2014, 19:14

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