31.05.2014, 01:16
I have tried this codes for you and worked fine for me,Try to move your codes somewhere else in your script also add return true to avoid unkown command error.
If this didn't work, you should use Strcat
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,0,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Admin Commands:","Level 1: /aduty /announce /cc /asay /arepair /jetpack /kick /getip /arepair /warn /lspecoff /lspec\nLevel 2: /explode /slap /ban /freeze /unfreeze /get /goto /mute /unmute /addnos /acar /abike /aheli /aboat /weaps\nLevel 3: /tmenu /poweron[off] /aweaps /setpowerjump /giveweapon /resetweapon /givemoney /superman\nLevel 4: /tmenu /poweron[off] /aweaps /setpowerjump /giveweapon /resetweapon /givemoney /superman\nLevel 5: /setskin /hearnear /freezenear /unfreezenear /healall /armourall\nLevel 6: /akill /setlevel /gmx","Close","");
return 1;