Calling a callback by myself?

I am not sure, if this will work but you can use function CallLocalFunction

Example, which you can try:

pawn Код:
//public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerDeath", "ii", InsertHereYourArguments) //first i = playerid, second i = killerid, third i = ID of the reason

Messages In This Thread
Calling a callback by myself? - by dusk - 30.05.2014, 10:50
Re: Calling a callback by myself? - by Riwerry - 30.05.2014, 11:31
Re: Calling a callback by myself? - by dusk - 30.05.2014, 11:33
Re: Calling a callback by myself? - by RajatPawar - 30.05.2014, 12:05

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