Our scripting fails

Everybody makes a mistake, there is no one who don't makes mistake. In the past I've made many mistakes which was totally newbie related which I realized afterwards and I was like "What the hell? This was so easy!" I don't remember them though.

Messages In This Thread
Our scripting fails - by [NWA]Hannes - 29.05.2014, 11:46
Re: Our scripting fails - by Cookland - 29.05.2014, 16:40
Re: Our scripting fails - by grovestreet4life - 29.05.2014, 16:47
Re: Our scripting fails - by BlueBaron - 29.05.2014, 17:00
Re: Our scripting fails - by grovestreet4life - 29.05.2014, 17:11
Re: Our scripting fails - by iZN - 29.05.2014, 17:26
Re: Our scripting fails - by punklord - 29.05.2014, 17:50
Re: Our scripting fails - by Joshua1 - 05.06.2014, 02:14

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