MySQL problem

Hello, I wonder if anyone has the correct plugin and include MySQL, because the next when I start my server appears and gives runtime errors.
*** Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'

Messages In This Thread
MySQL problem - by LinkinZelda - 27.05.2014, 00:21
Respuesta: MySQL problem - by LinkinZelda - 27.05.2014, 03:23
Re: MySQL problem - by Ciandlah - 27.05.2014, 09:00
Re: MySQL problem - by Tagathron - 27.05.2014, 12:08
Respuesta: MySQL problem - by LinkinZelda - 27.05.2014, 14:23
Respuesta: MySQL problem - by LinkinZelda - 30.05.2014, 03:35
Re: MySQL problem - by iRaiDeN - 30.05.2014, 04:17
Respuesta: MySQL problem - by LinkinZelda - 13.06.2014, 02:48

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