What is the solution for the long line ?

In that case, divide your string into separate parts then concatenate them together like this. Since the final string won't change in your case, I would suggest making the array the exact length of your string + 1 to avoid wasting unnecessary space (in this case 154).

pawn Код:
new string[154] = "- dsajklasd mdsal;ds kl;sald ndsladls;akdl jkdjsalkjdksajdkjaskdjskajdlksajdlksa";
strcat(string, " ddksalkd;lsak ddhsaksad l'asd hkldsad 'pidsajlsd ksad hdsasd jdsal' dsa.");
List[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(171.875000, 175.583374, string);

EDIT: Unless you intend to use a global textdraw (which in that case there's no need for the array), you should be using player textdraws for your player array. Switch to CreatePlayerTextDraw.

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