Solar freakin' roadways !

Sounds like a pretty massive undertaking, but then again, so is road maintenance. I wonder if there are any issues with it. n
Maybe we don't have enough glass to cover every single road in the US. Maybe there's a security issues.
Looking at the LEDs on the pieces the video showed, the lights wouldn't be detailed enough to make the things they suggested. Also,how would they look during the day? The LEDs would have to be pretty damn bright.
Would their night usage be little enough not to use up all the energy built during the day? What about in areas with less daylight?

Messages In This Thread
Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Kaperstone - 24.05.2014, 15:36
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by kaisersouse - 24.05.2014, 15:53
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Cookland - 24.05.2014, 15:53
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by [ABK]Antonio - 24.05.2014, 16:35
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Kaperstone - 24.05.2014, 17:10
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Joe Staff - 24.05.2014, 17:55
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Mr.Anonymous - 24.05.2014, 18:12
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Kaperstone - 24.05.2014, 18:40
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Yves - 24.05.2014, 23:27
Re: Solar freakin' roadways ! - by Finn - 25.05.2014, 08:35

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