Radiation Levels

Sure first add this at top :
pawn Код:
radlevel[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Setting a var to store radiation level
forward radcheck(); // forwarding timer
then on OnGameModeInit
pawn Код:
SetTimer("radcheck", 5000, false); // Set a timer of 5000 miliseconds (5 seconds)
then add this where ever you want to increase player's radiation level
pawn Код:
radlevel[playerid] +5; // the 5 is the value u want to increase change it if you want
then add this at bottom or somewhere
pawn Код:
public radcheck()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) //looping through player
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) //checking if player is connected
              if(radlevel[i] > 100) //checking if player has 100 radiation level
               new Float:health;
               SetPlayerHealth(i,health-5) // reducing health!! at the rate of 5 HP per 5 seconds

Messages In This Thread
Radiation Levels - by Blindraven14 - 22.05.2014, 13:37
Re: Radiation Levels - by superrobot48 - 22.05.2014, 14:05
Re: Radiation Levels - by gekas - 22.05.2014, 20:55
Re: Radiation Levels - by Blindraven14 - 23.05.2014, 13:23

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