21.05.2014, 21:40
Looking for Mappers / Scripters / GFX Designers / Forum Managers / Web Developers & Video Creators!
Mappers:- I'm looking for mappers who can map in our servers, we've 4 servers TDM, Trucking, Roleplay and CropsnRobbers-..You may be paid if you're experienced! dont ask for money without showing / proving your skills!Scripters:- I'm willing to start new servers, so if you have a custom script or you can script a new gamemode from scratch and you looking for a hoster or a community that can help you with hosting it, just private message me! We will cover all the funds and we will never ask for your script!
GFX Designers:-We're looking for GFX Designers, like some one who can work perfectly with photoshop, some one who's able to make us a perfect logos / banners for advertising! You may be paid if you're good enough!
Web Developers / Forum Managers:-We also looking for Web Developers who can code us a homepage or a new website, they will be paid! but as I said before I won't pay for nothing, I need to see your work before anything! and about Forum managers we've a vBulletin license and we're looking for forum managers who can help us with build the forums, they will get in-game ranks!
Send me a private message with your contact details!