Some functions & command in mysql .. ?

I want to make an system to :

- when i'm typing /unbanall --> to search on the db for players with Blocked == 1 and to set them to 0 .
- when i'm tyiping /unban to unban an specific name of player from the tabel
- an system to search on db , on accounts tabel player with BanTimer > 1 and to set them -1 for every time is called the function.

Messages In This Thread
Some functions & command in mysql .. ? - by Metharon - 20.05.2014, 12:28
Re: Some functions & command in mysql .. ? - by Spartaaaaa - 20.05.2014, 12:51
Re: Some functions & command in mysql .. ? - by Campbell- - 20.05.2014, 13:38

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