Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how.

Originally Posted by biogenic1
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as i can see youre running a modification of gf am i right? if you are.. well, thats because in your point config file there isnt a "name of the point" your point file must be more something like this
xcoords|ycoords|zcoords|point type|time to capture|point name|owner|captured by|number of matrun if it is a matrun
But can you give me a example?
Like for materials pickup make an examply, forget the x,y,z coords but start from Point type...

REP if u help me out.'

Messages In This Thread
Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by Mr. Despair - 21.08.2010, 07:33
Re: Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by Retardedwolf - 21.08.2010, 07:37
Re: Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by Mr. Despair - 21.08.2010, 19:41
Re: Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by yarrum3 - 02.01.2011, 02:08
Respuesta: Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by biogenic1 - 15.09.2011, 01:08
Re: Respuesta: Point system problem, easy fix, just don't know how. - by JeyoWazowski - 20.05.2014, 06:50

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