How can i get into Ammunation?

Originally Posted by Mionee
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Since you figured the armor pickup out, I'll only show an example on how to create a custom entrance point using pickups. If you want me to give you an example of how to do the armor pickup, just reply and I'll. (:

I'm using these coordinates: X: 316.524993, Y: -167.706985, Z: 999.593750 which teleport you inside this ammu nation. You can find more interiors The "x, y, z" coordinates are to be replaced with the coordinates of the ammu nation entrance.

This should work:

pawn Code:
// Top of your script

    new pickup_Enter;
    new pickup_Exit;

    // OnGameModeInit - 1239 = info pickup
    pickup_Enter = CreatePickup(1239, 2, x, y, z, -1); // 1239 = info pickup
    pickup_Exit = CreatePickup(1239, 2, 316.524993, -167.706985, 999.593750, -1); // coords = ammunation

    // Pickup callback
    if(pickupid == pickup_Enter)
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, 316.524993, -167.706985, 999.593750);
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6); // int is 6

    if(pickupid == pickup_Exit)
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); // int is 0
After much starting the game, going to the ammunation, /save coords i did it. I can enter/exit the downtown LS ammunation. Now to get the npc there, check point and weapons....

Messages In This Thread
How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 16.05.2014, 21:30
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by davve95 - 16.05.2014, 21:44
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 16.05.2014, 21:45
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 16.05.2014, 22:10
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 16.05.2014, 23:32
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Dignity - 17.05.2014, 00:04
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 17.05.2014, 00:25
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by DavidBilla - 17.05.2014, 00:28
Re: How can i get into Ammunation? - by Brandondw8 - 17.05.2014, 00:30
Re : How can i get into Ammunation? - by Ramoboss - 17.05.2014, 00:32

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