[FilterScript] [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes!

h-Space, Travel to the space on few minutes![Fixing]

-> Definition

* Filterscript
* Gamemode Add-on

-> What it is?

* It's located at the entrance of LS Airport, there's a bus that is lifted up by a plataform and then you are able to get aboard it. It simulates a rocket from N.A.S.A, and you are an astronaut. And yes. it flys, after sometime an accidant happens, and you need to choice die, or parachute jump!

Moving objects: 3 (Bus Plataform)

Objects: I can't remember but less than 40.

-> Download


EDIT: Fixed playerid 0 bug

If you can't see the pictures, visit the gallery: /imageshack/gal.php?g=photo1hjt.jpg


Messages In This Thread
[Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 01.06.2009, 21:05
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by HuRRiCaNe - 01.06.2009, 21:13
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 01.06.2009, 21:30
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by yom - 01.06.2009, 21:40
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 01.06.2009, 21:42
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by SergiKirov - 02.06.2009, 00:43
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 02.06.2009, 15:26
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by yom - 02.06.2009, 15:32
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes![Fixing] - by Hot - 02.06.2009, 16:01
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes![Fixing] - by Hot - 02.06.2009, 16:06
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes![Fixing] - by SpiderPork - 02.06.2009, 17:08
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes![Fixing 70%] - by Hot - 02.06.2009, 17:27
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Prieto_Galletini - 03.06.2009, 05:47
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Koppa, - 03.06.2009, 17:05
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by mysan - 03.06.2009, 19:06
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by •Atef• - 03.06.2009, 19:07
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 03.06.2009, 19:09
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Prieto_Galletini - 06.06.2009, 19:29
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by creck - 07.06.2009, 01:57
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Hot - 01.08.2009, 15:38
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Zigulys400 - 01.08.2009, 16:34
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by asdfgh98 - 21.09.2009, 15:48
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by [Ask]Terminator - 21.09.2009, 16:46
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Memoryz - 21.09.2009, 23:29
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by lordwallybr - 11.11.2012, 20:51
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by Plovix - 11.11.2012, 21:01
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by lordwallybr - 12.11.2012, 11:15
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by blackman28 - 12.11.2012, 16:19
Re: [Filterscript] h-Space, travel to the space on few minutes! - by ProPoint - 15.01.2013, 11:44

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