16.05.2014, 19:28
This adds plenty of SA-MP functions that should've been default in SA-MP. the textdraw functions are awesome.
I have a few suggestions, though
- Where is the UsePlayerPedAnims, per-player function (and then a GetPlayerPedAnims as well)
- GetPlayerWorldBounds
- DisableInteriorEnterExits (per-player version, and then GetInteriorEnterExitsState or something similar)
- SetPlayerTeam per player. e.g: player 1 can damage player 2, but player 2 can't damage player 1. obviously this is possible with scripting and onplayertakedamage. and this one might not be possible. I have only limited knowledge on this one
- GetVehicleFriendlyFire (and if possible EnableVehicleFriendlyFireForPlayer)
- Set/GetNameTagDistanceForPlayer
- Disable/EnableNameTagLOSForPlayer (and then GetNameTagLOSForPlayer)
- GetPlayerNameTagsState(playerid, forplayerid) - playerid = player to check, forplayerid = is this player visible for playerid
- GetHeadFacingDirection (/headmove cmd)
- GetPlayerSpectatingType - returns player or vehicle
- GetPlayerSpectatngID - returns playerid or vehicleid
anyway, I could keep going, there is actually a lot more. I was just looking at what is in the packets, and what is possible.
I have a few suggestions, though
- Where is the UsePlayerPedAnims, per-player function (and then a GetPlayerPedAnims as well)
- GetPlayerWorldBounds
- DisableInteriorEnterExits (per-player version, and then GetInteriorEnterExitsState or something similar)
- SetPlayerTeam per player. e.g: player 1 can damage player 2, but player 2 can't damage player 1. obviously this is possible with scripting and onplayertakedamage. and this one might not be possible. I have only limited knowledge on this one
- GetVehicleFriendlyFire (and if possible EnableVehicleFriendlyFireForPlayer)
- Set/GetNameTagDistanceForPlayer
- Disable/EnableNameTagLOSForPlayer (and then GetNameTagLOSForPlayer)
- GetPlayerNameTagsState(playerid, forplayerid) - playerid = player to check, forplayerid = is this player visible for playerid
- GetHeadFacingDirection (/headmove cmd)
- GetPlayerSpectatingType - returns player or vehicle
- GetPlayerSpectatngID - returns playerid or vehicleid
anyway, I could keep going, there is actually a lot more. I was just looking at what is in the packets, and what is possible.