/car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names.

Because I forgot that function! I returned scripting a few days ago. And when I was 'searching in my head' for a function to be able to check if the two cells have the same value, I couldn't think of anything other than strcmp. I even ******d. Anyway, thank you, that should do the trick. I'll let you know if it doesn't.

EDIT: It's working, and ye, I must've missed 2 vehicles while copying it. Such a huge fail (I knew there were 212 but was too lazy to search which ones were missing. XD)(I'll fix that later, not in a rush tbh) +rep

Messages In This Thread
/car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names. - by Denying - 16.05.2014, 16:14
Re: /car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names. - by Mey6155 - 16.05.2014, 16:18
Re: /car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names. - by Denying - 16.05.2014, 16:20
Re: /car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names. - by Konstantinos - 16.05.2014, 16:32
Re: /car command, works with car IDs, but not with car names. - by Denying - 16.05.2014, 16:37

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