[Tool/Web/Other] SanAndreasHeatmap — PHP GD class for beginners

SanAndreasHeatmap - PHP GD class for beginners.
Thanks to xird (https://github.com/xird/gd-heatmap) for the heatmap features.
Include release under MIT License (open source license) - click here for more information.

First of all, what is a heatmap?


A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. Fractal maps and tree maps both often use a similar system of color-coding to represent the values taken by a variable in a hierarchy. The term is also used to mean its thematic application as a choropleth map. The term "Heatmap" was originally coined and trademarked by software designer Cormac Kinney in 1991, to describe a 2D display depicting real time financial market information.

With SanAndreasHeatmap, you are directly able, through in-game coordinates, to create a heatmap in the map of San Andreas!
The only thing you need to do is collect the coordinates and save them into a database table.

Then you're done, yay!

Bug Reporting

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You may find an example of the heatmap here.


The only thing you need to do is to configure the class.

You can click here to see what you are able to configure.

For any other question, feedback or anything else feel free to answer this thread, and don't forget to contribute on GitHub, if you'd like to!


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