sscanf help

Ok so I been recently getting a "u" bug. I made a temporary fix for this.
new named[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], idfix, kickid;
	kickid = playerid;
	sscanf(kickid, "u", idfix);
	if(idfix == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
	    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Server: Sorry you have been kicked due to a bug, relog.");
	    SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", kickid);
	    return 1;
However sscanf(); is made for strings. How do I GetPlayerName? Ex: Kev_Klipz not Kev Klipz cause then sscanf might return other players with the name Kev.

Messages In This Thread
sscanf help - by KevinPRINCE - 15.05.2014, 21:47
Re: sscanf help - by RenSoprano - 15.05.2014, 22:51
Re: sscanf help - by KevinPRINCE - 16.05.2014, 00:54
Re: sscanf help - by KevinPRINCE - 16.05.2014, 04:32

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