[GameMode] zCMD y/Ini Freeroam/Base Script for Amateur Scripters


This is my first ever script in which I created for educational purposes. I have decided to release it because it's of no use to me, it's a simple script with an Admin system, several commands but not many features. I have been working on this script for a few weeks and I have been really busy with other stuff so I haven't put in as much effort and concentration as I could.

Let me take you back to my first days ...

===== v2.0 =====
	* Login and Register now in dialogs
	* Game mode converted from dini to y_ini
	* Changed dialog styles to "PASSWORD"
	* Added /ahelp
	* Added /kick
	* Added /goto
	* Added /sendto
	* Added /deleteaccount
	* Added /report with 15second timer
	* Added /givegun (Sabur)
	* Added /weaponname
	* Added /vehname
	* Added /veh
	* Added /fixveh
	* Added /nos
	* Rescripted 95% of the script to make it more modern and efficient
	* Added /stats
	* Added /slap
	* RC Cars can now be entered
===== v2.1 =====
	* Fixed DeleteAccount
	* Added death logs viewable by Admins only
	* Added logs for kicks and bans
	* Fixed messages for kicks and bans
	* Added IsPlayerLoggedIn stock which checks if the player's connected as well as logged in
	* Updated server files to latest SA:MP patch
	* Fixed /ban 
        * Added /mark and /gotomark for level 1 Admins
========== FEATURES ==========
All of the above ^ 
zCMD and sscanf2 coded
Login and Registration system using y/ini
Enter-able RC Car's
/stats command displaying kills and deaths etc
/pm with the ability to /togpm
Death messages with wanted level system (not finished)
Well organized script
/makeadmin [id] [admin level(1-3)]
Admin chat /a [text]
Kick, ban and teleport commands (/goto, /sendto, /gethere, etc)
Givegun commands
/veh with /vehname that displays vehicle name when you enter a keyword
/mark with /gotomark
1247 lines
===== Known bugs :( =====
/unban doesn't work properly :(
/admins doesn't work :(
{ If you find any bugs, please don't report them; I'm not interested anymore. }
Yellow Author
SA-MP Team <a_samp>
****** Inspiring me to learn y_ini and YSI + providing it, sscanf2
ZeeX Providing us with a wonderful command processor (zCMD)
Kush Original login/registration system
Dracoblue Password hash

Chris BETA Testing
Sabur BETA Testing
Oussi BETA Testing
Harry Slice BETA Testing

Special Thanks:
Zav Ix


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