I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save)

If you are looking for efficient, make a separate file for each vehicle and just determine who's it is via "OwnerName" or something. That way you can sell it to someone else without having to transfer over countless strings.

Messages In This Thread
I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Syncro - 11.05.2014, 23:45
Re: I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Lynn - 12.05.2014, 00:14
Re: I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Syncro - 12.05.2014, 00:26
Re: I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Syncro - 12.05.2014, 00:49
Re: I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by nmader - 12.05.2014, 01:36
Re : I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Ramoboss - 12.05.2014, 03:19
Re: I need good idea for Veh System in Y_Ini (Save) - by Syncro - 12.05.2014, 18:56

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