Dialog Issue

Hey there everybody,

Today, I have a issue that I can't completely view my dialog.

CMD:acmds(playerid,params[]) {
    #pragma unused params
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1)
new string[1024];
strcat(string, "{46BEE6}Level 1 Commands: {C9C60A}/warn, /setmytime, /ip, /lgetinfo, /ltune, /lhy, /lnos, /asay, /ping, /kick, /lslowmo \n");
strcat(string, "/goto, /weaps, /morning, /adminarea, /reports, /richlist, /miniguns, /gotoplace, /afixcar \n");
strcat(string, "/afixhouse, /afixbiz, /afixall, /write, /ltc(1-13), /lpl \n");
strcat(string, " \n");
strcat(string, "{46BEE6}Level 2 Commands: {C9C60A}/setcolor, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /burn, /spawnplayer, /disarm, /highlight, /jetpack, /flip \n");
strcat(string, "/vgoto, /gotoxyz, /ban, /aslap, /jailed, /frozen, /mute, /unmute, /muted, /screen, /laston \n");
strcat(string, "/gspec, /gspecvehicle, /gspecoff, /cc, /gmenu, /ltele, /lcm, /ltmenu \n");
strcat(string, " \n");
strcat(string, "{46BEE6}Level 3 Commands: {C9C60A}/giveweapon, /sethealth, /setarmour, /givecash, /setskin, /setwanted, /setname, /setweather \n");
strcat(string, "/settime, /setworld, /setinterior, /force, /eject, /bankrupt, /sbankrupt, /ubound \n");
strcat(string, "/lweaps, /countdown, /lammo, /lcar, /lplane, /lhunter, /lrhino, /lseas \n");
strcat(string, "/lsparrow, /lhydra, /carhealth, ,/carcolour, /setping, /announce, /announce2, /destroycar \n");
strcat(string, "/warp, /teleplayer, /vget, /givecar, /givebike, /gethere, /get, /explode \n");
strcat(string, "/jail, /unjail, /freeze, /unfreeze, /akill, /aka, /cac, /caps \n");
strcat(string, "/move, /moveplayer, /healall, /armourall, /lweather, /ltime, /lweapons \n");
strcat(string, " \n");
strcat(string, "{46BEE6}Level 4 Commands: {C9C60A}/fu, /uconfig, /fakedeath, /changemode \n");
strcat(string, " \n");
strcat(string, "{46BEE6}Level 5 Commands: {C9C60A}/setcash, /setscore, /psetname, /disable, /enable, /setlevel, /rban, /templevel, /lockserver \n");
strcat(string, "/unlockserver, /forbidname, /forbidword, /disablechat, /pickup, /object, /fakechat, /fakecmd, /spawnall, /muteall, /unmuteall \n");
strcat(string, "/getall, /killall, /freezeall, /unfreezeall, /kickall, /slapall, /explodeall, /disarmall, /ejectall, /setallskin, /setallwanted \n");
strcat(string, "/setallweather, /setalltime, /setallworld, /setallscore, /setallcash, /giveallcash, /giveallweapon \n");
strcat(string, "/setpass, /asellh, /spam, /loadfs/ unloadfs, /gmx, /resetunbuyables \n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{46BEE6}Admin Commands:",string, "Okay", "Close");
	  } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You need to be level 1 to use this command");
	return 1;

As you can see in the picture, it is showing an incomplete dialog. It is supposed to be showing the whole thing till Level 5, but it is only showing till Level 3.

And yeah, please don't ask me whether I have compiled or not, because I have compiled it more than 10 times.

Thanks in advance.


Messages In This Thread
Dialog Issue - by Proximo - 11.05.2014, 09:12
Re : Dialog Issue - by ReD_HunTeR - 11.05.2014, 09:24
Re: Dialog Issue - by Affan - 11.05.2014, 09:34
Re: Dialog Issue - by NaClchemistryK - 11.05.2014, 09:44

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