mysql dialog

You can't edit it but you can loop through all the connected players (using foreach - it's much faster!) and compare the player's name with the array you got. If they do match (check if the array is not null, otherwise it will return 0) retrieve the player's ID from the loop and if you want, store it to another global variable (if you do, don't forget to reset it) or use it directly.

Messages In This Thread
mysql dialog - by n00el - 10.05.2014, 09:27
Re: mysql dialog - by Deal-or-die - 10.05.2014, 09:37
Re: mysql dialog - by n00el - 10.05.2014, 09:53
Re: mysql dialog - by Deal-or-die - 10.05.2014, 09:58
Re: mysql dialog - by Konstantinos - 10.05.2014, 10:08
Re: mysql dialog - by n00el - 10.05.2014, 10:24
Re: mysql dialog - by Konstantinos - 10.05.2014, 10:41
Re: mysql dialog - by n00el - 10.05.2014, 11:20
Re: mysql dialog - by Konstantinos - 10.05.2014, 11:24
Re: mysql dialog - by n00el - 10.05.2014, 11:25

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