haveing problem (mySql)

i have some errors in mysql

this is the server logs
pawn Код:
[19:52:43] Iter_OnGameModeInit start: 50
[19:52:44] << MySQL Conecting >> To '' as 'jeason_5045' to database 'jeason_5045'.
[19:52:44] << MySQL >> Connection to '' established.
[19:52:44] << MySQL >> Database 'jeason_5045' selected.
[19:52:44] - 25 Forbidden Names Loaded
[19:52:44] - 17 Forbidden Tags Loaded
[19:52:44] - 73 Forbidden Words Loaded
[19:52:44]  Spawned 4 Hot Air Balloons
[19:52:44] Iter_OnGameModeInit: first
[19:52:44] Number of vehicle models: 32
[19:52:45] Loading houses...
[19:52:46] Successfully Loaded 1217 houses
[19:52:46] *** IRC_OnConnectAttemptFail: Bot ID 1 failed to connect to irc.tl:6667 (No such host is known)
[19:52:46] Loading properties...
[19:52:46] Successfully Loaded 99 properties
[19:52:46] Loading vehicles...
[19:52:46] Successfully Loaded 873 vehicles.
[19:52:47] Loading drifts...
[19:52:47] Successfully Loaded 7 drifts
[19:52:47] Loading duels...
[19:52:47] Successfully Loaded 8 duels

errorid: 1064 | error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '2014-5-9', '500', '0', '0', '0', '00:00:00', '0','0', '0', '1', '0', 0, 0, ' ', ' at line 1 | resultid: -1 | extraid: -1 | callback: NULL | query: INSERT INTO `Accounts` (`Key`,`Name`,`IP`,`Password`,`RegisterDate`,`LoggedIn`,`Level`,`Cookies`,`LastOn`,`Cash`,`Score`,`Kills`,`Deaths`,`Online`,`Rank`,`BestKillings`,`KillingSpree`,`Drugs`,`TimesOnServer`,`Coins`,`FavSkin`,`UseSkin`,`Description1`,`Description2`,Description3,`Positive`,`Negative`,`Clan`,`ClanRank`,`E-Mail`,`ClanPoints`,`ClanDeaths`,`ClanOnline`,`ClanJoined`,`Kicks`, `Bans`,`Jails`,`Warns`,`ClearChats`,`ReactionTest`,`MathTest`,`Mutes`,`ARatio`,`Property`,`Jailed`,`JailTime`,`Frozen`,`FreezeTime`,`ChatColor`,`RaceScore`,`DriftScore`,`DuelScore`,`vSpawn_X`,`vSpawn_Y`,`vSpawn_Z`,`vSpawn_A`,`TopOnline`,`AdminWarns`,`OwnedCarID`) VALUES(0, 'JeaSon', '', 'B0EF0CB8A4D713840BBF7038C36849965C4404537EE63BD650E640B3C12D538989D6A52546EC825BF3D07E82069EB13237EB20B190F0D38359F3447D9BC513C4', '2014-5-9', '1', '1', '0',','2014-5-9', '500', '0', '0', '0', '00:00:00', '0','0', '0', '1', '0', 0, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 'None', 0, ' ', 0,0,'0:0:0','None', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '00:00', 0, '00:00', '0xFFFFFFFF', 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0)

this is the script

pawn Код:
format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "INSERT INTO `Accounts` (`Key`,`Name`,`IP`,`Password`,`RegisterDate`,`LoggedIn`,`Level`,`Cookies`,`LastOn`,`Cash`,`Score`,`Kills`,\
            format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s`Positive`,`Negative`,`Clan`,`ClanRank`,`E-Mail`,`ClanPoints`,`ClanDeaths`,`ClanOnline`,`ClanJoined`,`Kicks`, \
, gsString );
            format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s`DriftScore`,`DuelScore`,`vSpawn_X`,`vSpawn_Y`,`vSpawn_Z`,`vSpawn_A`,`TopOnline`,`AdminWarns`,`OwnedCarID`)", gsString );
            format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s VALUES(0, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d-%d-%d', '1', '1', '0','%d-%d-%d', '500', \
                                                          '0', '0', '0', '00:00:00', '0','0', '0', '1', '0', \
                                                          0, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 'None', 0, ' ', 0"
, gsString, pName, GetPlayerIPEx( playerid ), Buf, liYear, liMonth, liDay, liYear, liMonth, liDay );
            format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "%s,0,'0:0:0','None', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
                                                   0, 0, 0, 0, '00:00', 0, '00:00', '0xFFFFFFFF', \
                                                   0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0)"
, gsString );

Messages In This Thread
haveing problem (mySql) - by JeaSon - 09.05.2014, 18:32

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