09.05.2014, 16:00
Последний раз редактировалось CoaPsyFactor; 09.05.2014 в 17:29.
Причина: URL changed
Woah! I've just looked at the code, and I'm still shocked. I'd be ashamed to release code like this one, first and most important rule of OpenSource projects, always but I mean ALWAYS use English words for defining variables not Croatian. And you used too many if's, you should create this little bit more dynamic, like with arrays or something. If you are not familiar with arrays, read this thread it'll help.
Are you for real? God damn, you were bored as hell - I can say.
There is really no point for this include, but anyway, you'll done good job..... but not good enough :P create registration / log in system with captcha it'll have more usage than this
here is something I've made now, not sure if any errors/warnings - can't compile on OSX. Just look at it and open your mind, think out of the box
Are you for real? God damn, you were bored as hell - I can say.
There is really no point for this include, but anyway, you'll done good job..... but not good enough :P create registration / log in system with captcha it'll have more usage than this

here is something I've made now, not sure if any errors/warnings - can't compile on OSX. Just look at it and open your mind, think out of the box