Most wanted Player

You would call a Timer for the private player If he clicked it SetTimerEx but you will loop it in a circle every 5 minutes, this will reduce the lag you will receive, Upon it looping every 5 minutes, you will do this

For Example:


Your Set Timer Here

forward TimerHere(playerid);
public TimerHere(playerid)
You will here check if all players are connected
You will now check what players are wanted
You will now check what player has the most wanted points
if a player has the most points you get his ID here
You format a textdraw setting here etc,

I didnt really understand what you meant, but I thought I would somewhat help you out

Messages In This Thread
Most wanted Player - by vassilis - 09.05.2014, 09:52
Re: Most wanted Player - by Ciandlah - 09.05.2014, 10:01
Re: Most wanted Player - by vassilis - 09.05.2014, 10:14
Re: Most wanted Player - by SeV_ - 09.05.2014, 10:31

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