lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse

Yo Bro's

Theres nothing happen with this actions

	if(dialogid == DIALOG_FAM_TOKEN)
	            case 1:
	                    case 0:
	                        if(FamilyInfo[playerid][FamilyTurfTokens] >= 3)
	                            GivePlayerValidWeapon(playerid, 26, 999999999);
								SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You have buy sawn-off shotgun for 3 tokens!");
								FamilyInfo[playerid][FamilyTurfTokens] -=3;
	                        else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You dont have 3 token to buy that!");
CMD:ftokenshop(playerid, params[])
    //if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGang] > 0)
		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0 ,-2235.1304, 130.1577, 1035.4141))
		    ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_FAM_TOKEN, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Philippines-Roleplay Family Token Shop", "Sawn-off shotgun(3 Token)\n Uzi(2 Token)\nSpas(4 Token)\n200 Armor(8 Token)\nRPG(Special 200 Token", "Select", "Cancel");
		} else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Your not range in Family Token Shop!");
		return 1;
    //return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_REALRED, "Your not in any gang!!!!!!!!!!");

Messages In This Thread
lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by Trynda - 08.05.2014, 14:19
Re: lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by AndySedeyn - 08.05.2014, 14:22
Re: lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by Trynda - 08.05.2014, 14:23
Re: lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by AndySedeyn - 08.05.2014, 14:25
Re: lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by Konstantinos - 08.05.2014, 14:28
Re: lol, theres nothing happen OnDialogReponse - by Trynda - 08.05.2014, 14:45

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