02.05.2014, 05:30
It's pretty clear the the problem occurs in OnGameModeInit or in of its dependencies. Most likely within a loop, too. You don't have to go and search in your commands, etc.
public OnGameModeInit() { new string[42]; //mysql_debug(1); AntiDeAMX(); Streamer_TickRate(125); g_mysql_Init(); djson_GameModeInit(); EnableStuntBonusForAll(0); SetGameModeText(SERVER_GM_TEXT); ShowPlayerMarkers(PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_STREAMED); DisableInteriorEnterExits(); // Remote Configs g_mysql_LoadMOTD(); g_mysql_AccountOnlineReset(); LoadHouses(); LoadDynamicDoors(); LoadTxtLabels(); LoadDynamicMapIcons(); LoadDynamicTexts(); //LoadFactions(); // Local Configs InitTurfWars(); LoadTurfWars(); InitPaintballArenas(); LoadPaintballArenas(); InitEventPoints(); LoadEventPoints(); LoadGates(); LoadElevatorStuff(); LoadThePay(); LoadFamilies(); LoadPoints(); LoadcDealerships(); LoadMOTDs(); Misc_Load(); //LoadHouses(); Tax_Load(); ResetElevatorQueue(); Elevator_Initialize(); if(Jackpot < 0) Jackpot = 0; if(TaxValue < 0) TaxValue = 0; for(new f = 0; f < sizeof(FamilyInfo); f++) { for(new fv = 0; fv < MAX_GANG_VEHICLES; fv++) { FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvModelId] = 0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvSpawnx] = 0.0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvSpawny] = 0.0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvSpawnz] = 0.0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvSpawna] = 0.0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvPaintJob] = -1; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvColor1] = 126; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvColor2] = 126; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvPrice] = 0; //FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvSpawned] = 0; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvFuel] = 100.00; FamilyVehicleInfo[f][fv][fvId] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; } } for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; ++i) { VehicleFuel[i] = 100.0; } for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(CreatedCars); ++i) { CreatedCars[i] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; } AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); LoadFamiliesHQ(); ClearReports(); SetNameTagDrawDistance(40.0); GiftAllowed = 1; News[hTaken1] = 0; News[hTaken2] = 0; News[hTaken3] = 0; News[hTaken4] = 0; News[hTaken5] = 0; strcat(News[hAdd1], "Nothing"); strcat(News[hAdd2], "Nothing"); strcat(News[hAdd3], "Nothing"); strcat(News[hAdd4], "Nothing"); strcat(News[hAdd5], "Nothing"); strcat(News[hContact1], "No-one"); strcat(News[hContact2], "No-one"); strcat(News[hContact3], "No-one"); strcat(News[hContact4], "No-one"); strcat(News[hContact5], "No-one"); gettime(ghour, gminute, gsecond); FixHour(ghour); ghour = shifthour; AllowInteriorWeapons(1); UsePlayerPedAnims();
public OnGameModeExit() { djson_GameModeExit(); g_mysql_Exit(); return 1; }