Use a command on dead players

I have a command there i want to do so only it can be used on dead people, if the player is alive and he type the command like

/restinpiece id/nick

he will get a msg like

%s is alive, you cant use this command

Messages In This Thread
Use a command on dead players - by Ananisiki - 02.05.2014, 00:42
Re: Use a command on dead players - by Abagail - 02.05.2014, 01:07
Re: Use a command on dead players - by Ananisiki - 02.05.2014, 16:28
Re: Use a command on dead players - by ic3cr3am - 02.05.2014, 16:40
Re: Use a command on dead players - by Ananisiki - 02.05.2014, 22:34
Re: Use a command on dead players - by Aerotactics - 02.05.2014, 22:37
Re: Use a command on dead players - by DobbysGamertag - 02.05.2014, 22:47

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