What makes a good RP Server?

^^^ Good point.

Also you have no IP address posting anywhere, that samp sever link on the webpage fails to load in my browser. Linux and Mac users won't find you without the Be sure to post it visually somewhere for us geeks. lol

Checking your server out now.
Done. I am getting 120 ping rate but that is nobody's fault and cannot be helped. I am East coast US and your server is in Paris. It is still pretty good at that rate, if you did have more people, my ping might go higher yet. Ping rate is how average players (even on RP) will sort a list and grab for the lowest ping with their native speaking language. That is the only reason I brought it up. People in Europe will get a much better rate from your server. Enough said about the internet issues.

Tutorial is well done and quick enough. Even if I had skipped the tutorial the /cmds is very helpful. It is a good gamemode, I like the Y KEY HUD and N for inventory. I met another player, who was also testing it out, while I was in there. I took the driving test and got my license. I explored for a while and rented a room for $10. During my exploring I entered a house (no one locks doors?) I guess not in small communities.

I didn't find anything setting you back in your server or the scripting. I would recommend you add that IP to all your signatures that relates to SAMP, GTA, and gaming. Place the IP on the webpage and advertise by means of gaming forums (assuming they allow it). Join current popular gaming forums and use your siggy! Worse they can do is tell you to remove the signature.

Ask your friends and neighbors to play, this will get you more local people on there. Post public ads for your webpage on flyers in your town. Offer perks for recruiting another player who plays a minimum of 20 hours total, however watchout for duplicate IPs. Treat it like a business and it will grow.

Messages In This Thread
What makes a good RP Server? - by Aldaz108 - 01.05.2014, 19:04
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by Luis- - 01.05.2014, 19:17
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by JoeMercury - 01.05.2014, 19:45
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by Jamould - 01.05.2014, 23:10
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by JoeMercury - 02.05.2014, 00:35
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by keycap - 02.05.2014, 02:14
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by JoeMercury - 02.05.2014, 02:35
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by Flake. - 02.05.2014, 03:47
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by keycap - 02.05.2014, 05:59
Re: What makes a good RP Server? - by Finn - 02.05.2014, 11:09

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