[Tool/Web/Other] jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE)


What this does is allows you to run either a skin or vehicle ID in to a function and it will display the relative image. (Javascript)

I was bored and so I stole the model images from the SA-MP Wiki and wrote a very small jS file that allows you to simply call the function
and it will return the URI from the "Incs" folder (Where the images are held.) To the relative image.

I included a very small example file (The index.html file) to demonstrate how it works.
I'm not active on SA-MP at all any more but I felt like playing around and making something small and simple like this.
If you have any suggestions feel free to post them.

Download Link:

I might release a web based include at a later stage.

Kind Regards


P.S. No mirror please.

Messages In This Thread
jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE) - by Shoulen - 01.05.2014, 13:00
Re: jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE) - by Luis- - 01.05.2014, 13:17
Re: jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE) - by NewerthRoleplay - 01.05.2014, 13:25
Re: jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE) - by Luis- - 01.05.2014, 13:37
Re: jS Web Based Model Viewer (SA-MP REFERENCE) - by Shoulen - 01.05.2014, 16:26

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